JConf for keyboard?

Hi all,

Just purchased the training edition. Running P3D v5.

It has been fantastic to be able to map specific DHC8 buttons / controls to the joystick with JConf feature. I've noticed the JConf program only enables me to map to joysticks, but not the keyboard. I don't have a button box of any type.

How can I map to keys on the keyboard? E.g. if I wanted the 'v' key to set AFCS_->inputs.mode_button='v',2 (VS mode on the AFCS panel).

I'm assuming this is quite simple and I'm missing something.

Thanks for your help.


  • Hi,

    The JCONF manual says in the introduction:

    Joystick Cockpit Connector is an advanced joystick interface, allowing utilization of the Windows HID joystick compatible devices for integration of the cockpit hardware. Joystick Cockpit Connector is unidirectional (input only).

    So keyboard buttons typically are not the same as joystick buttons and afaik this won't work. If you want to map buttons from your windows keyboard to Q400 variables you might use FSUIPC and some LUA code to trigger the functions via the XML interface. If you are not experienced in LUA programming, you alternatively can use my method described here:


    Of course you have to map the macro function to keyboard buttons instead of joystick buttons. But be aware, that you need some technical skills to get it working. And there is no support possible from my side.

    And of course there is LINDA, which might be the best way for you to map Q400 functions to buttons.


  • Thanks Reinhard, I'll review your guidance and see what I can do!

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